About Us
Discover Hydrowise, a set of products inspired by nature to bring you high quality water
Who We Are
Although water is all around us about only 1% of it can be used for human consumption. From this 1%, the average American consumes between 80-100 gallons of water per day including all water use for drinking, washing, and watering. The current population of the U.S as to this date is about 315.000.000 people.
Besides this alarmingly high rate of water consumption, in relation to its scarce availability, water quality has been compromised for many years by an extensive exposure to chemicals used in fertilizers, pesticides, traces of personal care products, pharmaceutical residues and in general by contaminant residues from a variety of products used in our daily lives.
Due to the impact of our so called modern lifestyles and the heavy industrialization of our societies, more and more the quality of the water we consume gets dangerously compromised. Despite all of this, the direct impact we cause on water and onto ourselves seems to go largely ignored by most people.
We all know water is key to life survival, therefore, the water we use and intake determines profoundly the condition of our health.
That is why we created Hydrowise. To introduce to smart customers a set of products, carefully selected under our philosophy of sustainability and inspired by the principles of water energizing as thoroughly described by the Austrian pioneer, Viktor Schauberger back in the early 1900’s during his research works about structured water.
To bring about the unmatched high quality water much needed for our well being is our mission. To create a healthy future for our children, where nature is respected and harnessed in a harmonious way is our dream.
Hydrowise, the high quality water you deserve